Tuesday, September 13, 2005


So I just explained this whole thing to Nik so it's a bit tedious to have to write about it again but I feel like it's valuable blog material.

Basically, I've been feeling unusually down all day and I just recently figured out why. I got my offer from Merrill Lynch today...hurray...except no one is hurraying with me. So it's a little lonely out here cheering for myself. I can't expect people to care what's going on in my life I guess but the people I most expected to react positively didn't (except for Lei and Eugene).

Anyway. I got my offer today. I immediately text messaged Nik and Lei because I figured they should know first...since Nik is my boyfriend and I promised Lei I'd tell him when I heard from Merrill. I went to work excited to tell Anne because I knew she'd congratulate me...but she wasn't there. I called my dad and his reaction was pretty lame. I guess I can't expect all that much from my parents. Or I suppose he wasn't surprised that I got it; really all he cared about was the details of how much I'd be making and that did not satisfy him.

I talked to Nik about it online and he was giving me all these numbers about how the price of living in NYC is so much greater and that would devalue my offer blah blah blah. I knew that going into it. Basically, no ecstatic congratulations from the one person I definitely expected it from...

I wanted to tell one of my sisters because I thought maybe someone would post to the tridelt bboard with a little "snaps to Theresa for getting an offer from Merrill Lynch." I'm so silly. Well, I waited all night til I saw Helen and I told her. She was happy for me but I didn't get a post to the bboard. Oh well.

Earlier tonight I even called my brother (hoping he'd be more impressed given he's never had a job). No. I had to remind him that the offer I was given was more than he makes...but that doesn't matter I guess.

Basically, yeah...my offer from Merrill isn't that great. I don't even care the amount they're offering me because I wasn't going to take it in the first place. The point is I worked all summer and GOT an offer.

Congrats to me.

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