Friday, September 25, 2009

Shoutout to Padmapper

Padmapper was really useful when we were apartment hunting. It takes Craigslist apartment postings and puts them on a map, allows you to filter by things like pets, # of rooms, etc. While it can't accurately capture everything, it was still my go-to tool - much easier than using Craigslist itself!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Sharing any page in Google Reader

Several people have asked me about this, so I'll share it here.

I use a bookmarklet to share any webpage on Google Reader (that is, things I am not subscribed to). I got this bookmarklet from Reader, but I am no longer able to find it. It still works, so I might as well share.

Just drag this link Note in Reader to your bookmarks bar. It should look like any other bookmark.

Now, whenever you're on a page you want to share, just...
1. Highlight a snippet of the page that you'd like your friends to see in Reader.
2. Click the "Note in Reader" bookmarklet
3. A little popup will appear. Notice the highlighted text from [1.] becomes your snippet. You can also add your own comments and then post for all your Reader friends to see.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Haven't updated!

Whoa, I haven't updated in forever! I'll try to get on that. There's lots of exciting and not so exciting stuff going on. I had another knee surgery and I'm planning on going to Japan this summer. Further updates to come!