Friday, April 29, 2005

The day after the last day of classes

Woo hoo! No more classes.

...too bad I screwed this semester up. Oh well, it was worth it...I hope.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005


Sometimes I feel as though I'm putting more in than he is. I don't think he realizes how much I hate using the back door when it's dark. I'm a tough girl because I came from a tough place...but being tough makes you more scared of things other people don't think about. I don't know why I allow myself to get so bothered and hurt by stupid little things that don't mean anything. I guess since I'm the one to make the walk to his house everyday I feel like I need him more than he needs me...and my personality doesn't allow me to be ok with that. I'm strong and independent...or so I like to think. I can never say no to him and maybe I should learn.
I was walking over here thinking awful things. When he wanted me to cuddle I would tell him that I was feeling too lazy to do what he wanted. But that's not productive.
I remember when I used to have these random handwritten fliers on the walls in my room to remind me of things I felt I needed to remember. My parents never liked them. They said things like "you can't change other people, you can only change yourself" in far-from-neat red permanent marker. I wish i remembered what the others said.
I want my super nintendo back.

Monday, April 18, 2005

It's good to be a Tri Delta

I'll be proud of us. I'll also let go of some of my anger and bitterness toward a certain fraternity...because karma has worked its ways and all is well with the world.

...and I'm a good luck charm. Hehehe, or at least I'll tell myself that.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Sitting in class

I'm bored. So the professor extended a deadline for homework 3 "indefinitely" about a week ago. Indefinitely means whenever...right? Anyway today in class he was like "everyone has homework 3 in, right? good." Darn. Darn darn darn. Oh well, I guess I actually have to finish tonight. I don't see how I can get in trouble for turning it in now when there was no actual deadline.
I need to go buy alcohol. It's Carnvial week darn it! Unfortunately I get my wisdom teeth out tomorrow (for real this time!...and I hope I "accidentally" spit on my dentist...stupid jerk). I hope I'm not in so much pain or so high on wisdom-teeth drugs that I can't drink. Or maybe I hope that I am on happy wisdom-teeth drugs. Taking pills is a lot easier than swallowing lots of alcohol.

Sunday, April 10, 2005


Ahh, the dilemma. I could work, hang out with Nik, or work on booth. Out of that list the only thing I don't want to do is the only thing I really ought to be doing. Darn CMU! What's really unfortunate is that I keep telling myself I'll work on booth right after I finish my work...too bad I'm a horrible procrastinator. At this rate I'll never get to midway. Sad face.