Tuesday, May 09, 2006


So, I realize that I need to give an actual update on life so you guys know what's going on.

*I graduate in 12 days.
*In 11 days, I will be giving a speech at the IS diploma ceremony.
*I leave for CA on Tuesday, June 13.
*I'll be living in downtown Palo Alto, about 10 minutes away from work and about 45 minutes outside of San Francisco.
*The place I'm living in in Palo Alto is just a sublet for the summer while my roommate and I look for a permanent place. The sublet has 3 bedrooms, a pool, garage, and HDTV. Come visit.
*I'm living with David Murray who is also working at Google. He's a triple major in CS/Voice/HCI
*I current plan on purchasing a Honda Civic Hybrid after I get my first paycheck

I have a few finals. Empirical Research Methods and Reason, Passion, and Cognition as well as an optional Social Psychology exam which I will likely take to make up for subpar grades on other exams. Once I'm done with that there are senior events and stuff going on. I look forward to a trip to Heinz Field with the entire class as well as a night at Dave and Buster's.

After Greek Sing, I met a guy named Steve Curtis (who happens to be PiKA's Greek Sing chair...why I didn't know him until after Greek Sing...well that's just PiKA). About a week after Greek Sing I broke up with Nik but it really wasn't related to Steve or any other guys at all. I had known for a while that things weren't going to work out with me and Nik and I chose to end it. I wanted to live life as a single girl for a while. Unfortunately (or fortunately) I don't have much conviction and Steve and I are dating now. It was big and dramatic (at least on my end) when it became official (i.e. on facebook).

I'm trying to imagine what you girls (who weren't aware of all this) are thinking. The thing that comes to mind is that you're not surprised; typical Theresa behavior, I suppose. Anyway, if you care to know more about him and what the status of this whole thing is...he's a junior (not even 21! I'm so old), from Jersey (gross), business major who was formerly Math/Physics. Our first date was at a Thai place called Typhoon in Shadyside over Carnival. He ate tofu and enjoyed it; that made me happy. He leaves for home on Tuesday (one week from today) to work at this yatch club for the summer. Oh and he's this crazy pothead (I disapprove...I seriously did not know that people smoked up as much as he and his roommates do) except he quit for the summer because he has to be able to be licensed to drive boats or something. Anyway, after graduation I'm going to be at home for 3 weeks so he and I plan to rendezvouz occasionally since we're not too far from each other.

The girls here all approve of him. Apparently Leah had called dibs on him last semester when they were working together as Greek Sing chairs but I didn't know this until it was too late. She's not mad at me. Well, considering I'm graduating and I've known him for 6 weeks, I don't know what I'm doing. The poor guy, I don't know why he puts up with me. I've gone psychotic on him many times and tried to kick him out of my life...just because I feel like it's easier to do now in person rather than over the phone from different time zones. So why am I continuing to do this? I don't know. He's also the least validating guy I've ever been with but I realize maybe that's exact what I need. What I mean is that he always leaves me guessing about what he's thinking. When I ask he tells me he's not thinking anything (which has been the source of many of my psychotic episodes). He never compliments me and rarely reassures me when I get jealous of other girls. It drives me crazy.

Putting all that out there in that way kinda makes it sound like he's not a good guy. But he is. I swear. Will it work? I doubt it. I think he'll drive me crazy one day and I'll flip out. In the meantime though, at least I'm having a good time.


Laura said...

Jeez, I miss you Babydoll. You are moving waaaay out to California?! But that is even FARTHER from me! What are you thinking... we need to have a chat.

All I can say about Steve is that you are brave... younger man, graduating in a little over two weeks... if I didn't know you better I would say you were a sucker for pain, but actually, being really far apart can make a relationship easier in some sense. It will either last the test or it won't, and you can always blame the distance. Plus, it sounds like you are having fun and maybe that is what you want :)

On a completely different note, why did Liz's blog go away? I am sad. How can I get in touch with her?

Have as much fun as you can these next few weeks, k?

<3 ya, squish

Anonymous said...

Best regards from NY!