Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tri Delta Alum Meeting

I went to a Tri Delta alumnae meeting today. I drove into San Francisco and ended up at a lovely house that was filled with beautiful (and I mean beautiful) Tri Deltas. It's always hard being the new girl, but it was fun talking to other Tridelts. It turns out that next week there will be a Delta Drinking event followed by a viewing of the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy. When I heard that, it kinda all came together for me. It's silly, but last year one of the things I really loved was sitting together with sisters and screaming and gasping and making predictions while watching Grey's.

On the way home I got pulled over for having expired registration. He let me go since I just bought my car. It was still nerve racking as it was the first time I saw those flashing lights behind me.

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