Tuesday, September 26, 2006


I remember when c j and Rachel were jamming together in my room in Donner. c j would play his steel drum and Rachel would play her (electric) violin.


Transit is available in Pittsburgh now! I so wish it had been available before I left school - it would've helped a lot.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

My car

By the way, this is my beautiful car.

I drive around with the top down all the time. It makes me feel more alive...and Californian.

Cheese curds

I have a craving for cheese curds. Mmm, squeeky salty cheese curds. But I have no idea where to get them around here! I think they're not fancy enough for Whole Foods (though I found a delicious Robusto that I'm now in love with. It's has hints of carmel and nuts. My friends said it smelled like feet, but I find the taste wonderful) but too regional for regular super markets. In Pittsburgh, i was able to find packets at Giant Eagle a few years ago. I'll continue my search and let you know.

Actually, the reason this came up is because I heard the farmers market in San Francisco has a dairy farmer who has cheese curds. So I suppose if I truly wanted my cheese curds I could get them...early on a Saturday morning...if I wanted to drive 45 minutes.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tri Delta Alum Meeting

I went to a Tri Delta alumnae meeting today. I drove into San Francisco and ended up at a lovely house that was filled with beautiful (and I mean beautiful) Tri Deltas. It's always hard being the new girl, but it was fun talking to other Tridelts. It turns out that next week there will be a Delta Drinking event followed by a viewing of the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy. When I heard that, it kinda all came together for me. It's silly, but last year one of the things I really loved was sitting together with sisters and screaming and gasping and making predictions while watching Grey's.

On the way home I got pulled over for having expired registration. He let me go since I just bought my car. It was still nerve racking as it was the first time I saw those flashing lights behind me.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

More Grey's wisdom

"You already know what to do. If you didn't, you wouldn't be in so much pain"

Greys has all the answers

"Derek, have you considered that even though I’m Satan and an adulteress bitch I could still be the love of your life?"

Monday, September 11, 2006

What do I want?

So today I had to explain to Andrea why I was being quiet at her birthday party at Six Flags. I apologized and explained that it wasn't that I wasn't having a good time celebrating her birthday, it's just that I knew I was going home to have my boyfriend break up with me.

Long story short, Andrea (also single for the first time in a long time) asked me what I want. I want Steve.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

One more gasp of air before drowning

...so that's a little dramatic but it's the best analogy I could think of to describe what's going on right now.

My lesson

For a while I knew I couldn't stop because I had nothing stopping me. I always assumed love would take care of that for me, but I realize I was wrong. In order for me to learn anything, I suppose I needed to fall myself.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

No New Grey's = Theresa is a Dum Dum

So I don't know what I was thinking. There was no new Grey's Anatomy - and I made Tom and Dan watch with me and everything. There was an episode I hadn't seen before so I guess that's kinda like new Grey's.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

A lot to say...

I have a lot to say...though none of it really significant. Hopefully jetlag and Grey's Anatomy will still allow me to have the energy to blog tomorrow.

In recent news:
I'm a horrible bitch
I just got back from Korea
I bought a car
I've been working for a while
I moved to a house in Mountain View

More to come.