Thursday, October 20, 2005

So I’m on another Greyhound bus and I started thinking past Halloweens. The earliest costume I can remember is being some sort of princess witch. I’m really grateful to my parents for putting up with me even when I was unreasonable as a child. I still remember that princess witch costume and how expensive it was. I thought it was so pretty and I pretty much refused to not be a princess witch. I think that was the same year I was walking through the halls of my elementary school and a teacher (who was also dressed up like a witch) asked me how my hat was so pointy because her tip kept falling over. I think the answer was something along the lines of “I stuffed paper towels in the top” but I thought it was cool that a teacher thought I was smart for doing so.

Another costume I remember was being a cheerleader. I think I remember my cheerleader costume coming with iron on letters. I’m pretty sure I remember my mom ironing the letters on. I had little pom poms and everything. The most difficult part about being a cheerleader was that when we went and did our annual Halloween parade around the little grassy area in front of our school I had to spell Marshall Street. Marshall Street was my school and that’s what cheerleaders did in my mind – spelled the names of their schools.

One year I was a bride. I think that was in 4th grade. I told my mom I had to take make up to school because brides wore makeup. She kinda laughed at me and I guess I understand why now…but she let me take some eyeshadow and lipstick or something. Margaret was my best friend at the time and her older sister was a beautician. Margaret’s older sister helped me with my makeup. Once Halloween was over I used the costume as a dress for my teddy bear, Belle. Belle had that dress for a long time. Once I stuck Belle in the washer with that dress on and when she came out there was fur in between the layer of polyester and the layer of lace of the dress. I still have Belle but I don’t have the dress.

I don’t remember much about middle school – I don’t think I dressed up then. I remember my best friend Julia and my good friend Ally both dressed up like M&Ms along with this girl I hated at the time. It made me a little jealous but at the same time they looked ridiculous so I’m glad I wasn’t invited to join them.

In high school I remember joking that me and my friends should dress up like marching band geeks…since we had the costumes for it. Our other idea was to switch uniforms with the football players for fun. I doubt they would’ve gone for that.

One year my friend Krystal and I really really wanted candy so we took Michael and one of his friends trick or treating and I think we dressed up as babies. For some strange reason (i.e. my mom) I had this weird purple once piece pajama thing. Basically, it was footie pajamas without the footies. I guess I was a pretty convincing baby.

Freshman year of college, Helen, Vipin, and I all went out trick or treating on Beeler St (again for the love of candy). We were all dressed as angels. (pic to be added later)

Sophomore year I dressed up as Princess Peach and c j dressed up as Mario. We had pretty awesome costumes, I must admit. I had a blonde wig and a huge blue broach and everything. (pic to be added later)

Junior year I had a 272 project due so I had to code all night long rather than party with my sisters. During our Halloween party I stuck a pig finger puppet on my hand and called it my costume. I was a pig. (pic to be added later)

This year I’m determined to be a typical college girl at Halloween – short skirt and high heels. We’ll see if I get any candy.

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