Saturday, August 27, 2005

I had lunch with a friend today. We talked a lot about our relationships. While we did talk about a lot, there are a couple of things that stand out in my mind: One year isn't long enough and I attract weak personalities. He and I argued a bit over each of them. I don't think I actually attract or am attracted to weak personalities. His reasoning was that I have a very strong personality and I am attracted to guys I can control. I definitely disagree with that view. While I do have a strong personality I like to think that I don't let it overtake my partner. For example, I hate making the decision on what restaurant to go to. But if we go to a restaurant that I would not necessarily have chosen if I were eating alone, I'll tease about it. My friend says that teasing about the choice is pretty much asserting my view and discouraging my boyfriend from making decisions not based on what I want. Interesting theory. I hope it's not true. I would rather have someone to debate with than a man with no opinions.

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