Sunday, July 24, 2005

The Bus Entry

The Bus Entry

I’m on my way back to NYC from Philly. This was a travel-packed weekend, much like the weekend two weekends from now will be. On Saturday I left Chinatown headed toward Washington, D.C. Once there, I ran into Inyoung on the street and she lead me to the corner where Nik was waiting outside the Metro station. I’m glad I got to see Inyoung. She won’t be back in school this year but she is going back to Korea soon. She’s a sweet girl and it’s quite possible I will never see her again. Then again, I think I said that to myself last time I said bye to her too and look what happened.

Nik and I have concluded that DC is the most confusing place to drive in ever. I don’t get it. I think I just need to look at a map and take it in because driving around in it made no sense. The letter/number/state system doesn’t make sense to me. Grids make sense to me. Nik was crazy for having told me to go park his car while he took the ikea bed upstairs. He’s lucky I ever made it back…but I can’t say the same about me finding a parking space.

We got up way too early in the morning to get another bus from DC Chinatown to Philly Chinatown. That was a very interesting bus experience. I (again) am lucky to have gotten a seat on that bus. Not only did I not have my ticket (but I did have an email to show the confirmation number on my cell phone, thank goodness), but the bus was overpacked and everyone refused to give up their seats, even if they didn’t have tickets. There was a lot of back and forth in Chinese and I had to ask the guy behind me what was going on. Then the bus lady was yelling at this family of Mexican people to get off the bus because other people have already paid. They refused saying they would pay and they got here before everyone who was standing in the aisle, myself included. Eventually the bus lady demanded $60 for each ticket in order for them to stay on the bus. They refused and continued to insist that they deserved their seat. Eventually some stuff happened in Spanish and some woman mediated and 3 members of the family got off the bus and the father person stayed on due to some emergency in NYC. I got one of the seats they gave up.

I don’t know about this incoming freshmen class. They were a little off at today’s On the Road event in Philly. Normally these first-years and their parents are full of those typical college questions, but these weren’t. Frankly, this group was full of weirdos – unicycle girls and guys who lock themselves in their rooms to play whatever those weirdos play – in the making. Thanks a lot, admissions counselors.

I miss Nik.

Speaking of the rest of my life, I’ve recently come up with a few life goals that I suppose I should start working toward.
1) Learn to play guitar
2) Live/work in Europe and/or some other foreign country for a period in my life
3) Live for something greater than money

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