Monday, December 26, 2005

Michael...the future serial killer

So I recently put this picture on my desktop:

and I politely told Michael (my little bro) to look at how cute it was. He stole my laptop and left this for me...

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Congrats Liz!

I'm so happy for you!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


So ladies (you know who you are), I propose that we and our significant others if you want, get together before our winter breaks are over. For the most part, we all live within a few hours of each other (except for Jess, sorry) so let's make sure we see each other sometime soon. Liz, it seems like you already have plans for New Years so I guess we'll have to work around you :P I know Laura and I were both planning to go to the NYC bash.
What do you guys think?

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


WARNING TO MEN: Don't read any further in this entry. I promise you'll regret it.

Anyway, you know what I hate? Menstruation. What is wrong with the uterus that it needs to replace its lining every month? Why does it think it's special? I will only really use my uterus maybe 2-4 times in my life and it causes me a big hassle for 1/4 of every month. My brain doesn't feel the need to disintegrate and leak out of my nose to replace itself, so why you, uterus? Why?

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I love Caryl

Hey Caryl, I love you. Isn't it cool that I have a blog where I can say that?


Nik, I love you too...I'm just trying to make a point.
Michal is the man.

Nik, before you get jealous, you're my man which automatically makes you the man. Got it? Good.